11 March, 2013

Hindu Calendar: Months, Days, Eras & Epochs

What are the months and days of the Hindu year called?

The various Hindu calendars are based on eras and epochs. Generally, the Hindu calendar follows the lunar year that consists of 12 lunar months. A lunar month has two fortnights. The following lists mention the Sanskrit names of the Hindu months, days and lunar days and their correlation with the Gregorian calendar.

The Hindu Eras & Epochs

  • Kali Yuga (Current Epoch): Started 3012 BC
  • Vikram Samvant Era (Financial Year in Northern India): Started 57 AD
  • Saka Era (India's National Calendar): Started 78 AD

The Hindu Months

Names of the 12 months of the Indian Civil Calendar and Correlation with Gregorian Calendar
  1. Chaitra (30 / 31* Days) Begins March 22 / 21*
  2. Vaisakha (31 Days) Begins April 21
  3. Jyaistha (31 Days) Begins May 22
  4. Asadha (31 Days) Begins June 22
  5. Shravana (31 Days) Begins July 23
  6. Bhadra (31 Days) Begins August 23
  7. Asvina (30 Days) Begins September 23
  8. Kartika (30 Days) Begins October 23
  9. Agrahayana (30 Days) Begins November 22
  10. Pausa (30 Days) Begins December 22
  11. Magha (30 Days) Begins January 21
  12. Phalguna (30 Days) Begins February 20
    * Leap years

The Hindu Days

Names of the 7 Days in the Hindu Week
  1. Raviãra: Sunday (day of Sun)
  2. Somavãra: Monday (day of Moon)
  3. Mañgalvã: Tuesday (day of Mars)
  4. Budhavãra: Wednesday (day of Mercury)
  5. Guruvãra: Thursday (day of Jupiter)
  6. Sukravãra: Friday (day of Venus)
  7. Sanivãra: Saturday (day of Saturn)

The Hindu Moon Days

Names of 15 Moon Days in the Hindu Month
  1. Prathamã First
  2. Dvitïyã Second
  3. Trtïyã Third
  4. Chaturthï Fourth
  5. Pañchamï Fifth
  6. Sasthï Sixth
  7. Saptamï Seventh
  8. Astamï Eighth
  9. Navamï Ninth
  10. Dasamï Tenth
  11. Ekãdasï Eleventh
  12. Dvadasï Twelfth
  13. Trayodasï Thirteenth
  14. Chaturdasï Fourteenth
  15. Panchadasï Fifteenth
  16. Purnimã (Suklapaksha) Full Moon
  17. Amãvãsyã (Krsnapaksa) New Moon

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